Social media represents a new area of participation in which pupils with a focus on intellectual development are confronted with barriers (vgl. Bosse &Hasebrink 2016; vgl. Borgstedt & Möller-Slawinski 2020). The inequalities with regard to internet use in general are described with the term digital divide (vgl. Marr & Zillien 2020; vgl. Goggin 2018). A difference in media use can also be observed among people with disabilities (vgl. Bosse & Hasebrink 2016, vgl. Goggin 2018). This raises the question of the social media usage behavior of pupils with a focus on intellectual development. This publication answers this question by taking a qualitative approach to this field of research (vgl. Brüsemeister 2008). The concept of media literacy (vgl. Baacke 1997) is used to derive the skills required to enable the target group to participate in social media. Furthermore, the potential of the phenomenon of social media for schools with a focus on intellectual development is primarily focused on. Using problem-centered interviews (vgl. Witzel 2000) and autoethnography (vgl. Adams et al. 2015), findings on the current social media use of the target group are collected. Pupils with a focus on intellectual development have their say in the interviews. The presentation of the results concludes with explicit recommendations for action for educational professionals in dealing with social media.