Germanic Myths in the Audiovisual Culture

Ortiz-de-Urbina, Paloma
Erschienen am 11.05.2020
CHF 100,00
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783823383000
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 218
Format (T/L/B): 22.0 x 15.0 cm
Auflage: 1. Auflage


Germanic mythology is currently experiencing a significant boom in audiovisual media, especially among younger audiences. Heroes such as Thor, Odin and Siegfried populate television and comic series, films, and video games. When and why did this interest in Germanic mythology emerge in the media? Starting from the interpretation of the myths used by Richard Wagner in 'The Ring of the Nibelung' at the end of the 19th century, the contributions in this volume examine the reception of Germanic myths in audiovisual media in the course of the 20th and 21st century.


Prof. Dr. Paloma Ortiz-de-Urbina lehrt Germanistik und Musikwissenschaft an der Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, Madrid.


Aknowledgements Introduction 1 Richard Wagner and His Impact on Contemporary Audiovisual Culture Paloma Ortiz-de-Urbina: The Siegfried myth in opera and on film: from Richard Wagner to Fritz Lang Magda Polo Pujadas: The Ring of the Nibelung: Philosophy, Wagner and La Fura dels Baus Miguel Salmerón Infante: Staging Wotan: Chéreau, Schenk, Fura del Baus Jesús Pérez-Garcia: Die Wandlung des Nibelungenmythos in der bande dessinée von Sébastien Ferran L'Anneau des Nibelungen 2 Germanic Myths in Audiovisual Adapation and translation Heidi Grünewald: Mythos und Utopie in Fritz Langs Nibelungenfilm Laura Arenas: The image of Germany in German films. A study of national stereotypes in two film adaptions of the epic poem Nibelungenlied Peio Gómez Larrambe: Artusmythos und Transtextualität in Monty Python and the Holy Grail Elena Castro Garcia: The Duality of Translation in Historical Television Series: Vikings 3 Germanic Myths in Television, Videogames and Propaganda Posters Ana Melendo Cruz: Odin and Ragnar in the television series Vikings: Between myth and legend Irene Sanz Alonso: Rewriting Germanic Myths in Video Games: The Witcher, Hellblade, God of War IV Maria Jesús Fernández-Gil: Intersemiotic Analysis of Nazi Posters: Nordic Mythology at the Service of Arianism 4 Ecocritical Use of Germanic Myths and Comparative Mythology Lorena Silos Ribas: How to Train Your Dragon: an Ecocritical Approach to Myth Criticism Lorraine Kerslake Young: In the beginning was Crow: Reinventing and Subverting the Creation Myth Yue Wen: Norse Mythology and Chinese Mythology in Comparison: The Origin of the Cosmos, Time and Space Contributors Bibliography

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