Living Your Very Own Style Blooms Creative living with BLOOMs Set individual stylistic accents for living with colours, furniture and plants Tasteful and appealing ideas, from romantic to Mediterranean For a home full of style and creativity The new BLOOMs scrapbook, with a wealth of tips and creative ideas, how-to-do photos, colour and style charts, inspirational ideas for furnishings, unusual styling ideas and charming decorative suggestions for your very own living style. Colours, furnishings and accessories for nine different living styles will awake your creativity and fantasy, and help you create a stylish home with your own personal stamp on it.
Karen Meier-Ebert ist leitende Redakteurin des Lifestyle-Magazins BLOOM's und beschäftigt sich täglich mit den neuesten Trends rund ums Dekorieren. Zusammen mit einem fachkundigen Team von Stylisten und Floraldesignern inspiriert sie die Leser mit kreativen Gestaltungsvorschlägen.