Masters of Art: Dürer

Grosse Meister der Kunst 19

Erscheint am 01.10.2024
CHF 17,90
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783791377551
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 112
Auflage: 1. Auflage
Einband: Gebunden


Brimming with stunning reproductions and illuminating texts, this handy and accessible book is the perfect introduction to the famous Renaissance artist Albrecht Dürer. Albrecht Dürer (1471-1521) is considered the most important German painter and graphic artist of the Renaissance period. His numerous self-portraits, his impressive altarpieces, and his detailed copperplate engravings are world-famous. Dürer's works are icons of art history, whose quality and innovative power still set the trend for artists worldwide today. Even during his lifetime, this brilliant visionary, who self-confidently depicted himself posing as Christ, was able to successfully market himself, even establishing the first logo in history with his monogram. In addition to an illustrated biography that places Dürer within his historical context, many of his most famous paintings and drawings are presented and clearly explained.

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