Frontiers of Combining Systems
9th International Symposium, FroCoS 2013, Nancy, France, September 18-20,2013, P
Ringeissen, Christophe / Schmidt, Renate
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01.09.2013, Auflage: 1. Auflage
InhaltsangabeInvited Talk 1.- MetiTarski's Menagerie of Cooperating Systems.- Inductive Theorem Proving.- Combining Superposition and Induction: A Practical Realization.- Arrays and Memory Access Optimization.- Definability of Accelerated Relations in a Theory of Arrays and Its Applications.- Verification of Composed Array-Based Systems with Applications to Security-Aware Workflows.- Presburger Arithmetic in Memory Access Optimization for Data-Parallel Languages.- Approximation and Forgetting.- Roughening the EL Envelope.- Uniform Interpolation of ALC-Ontologies Using Fixpoints.- Abduction in Logic Programming as Second-Order Quantifier Elimination.- Invited Talk 2.- Witness Runs for Counter Machines.- Temporal and Description Logic Techniques.- Decidability and Complexity via Mosaics of the Temporal Logic of the Lexicographic Products of Unbounded Dense Linear Orders.- Temporal Query Answering in the Description Logic DL-Lite.- Verification of Golog Programs over Description Logic Actions.- Invited Talk 3.- Specification and Verification of Linear Dynamical Systems: Advances and Challenges.- Theorem Proving with Theories and Sorts.- Obtaining Finite Local Theory Axiomatizations via Saturation.- Non-cyclic Sorts for First-Order Satisfiability.- Detection of First Order Axiomatic Theories.- Mechanizing the Metatheory of Sledgehammer.- Invited Talk 4.- From Resolution and DPLL to Solving Arithmetic Constraints.- Modal Logic and Description Logic.- Tableaux for Relation-Changing Modal Logics.- Computing Minimal Models Modulo Subset-Simulation for Modal Logics.- Hybrid Unification in the Description Logic EL.- Rewriting.- Disproving Confluence of Term Rewriting Systems by Interpretation and Ordering.- On Forward Closure and the Finite Variant Property.- Term Rewriting with Logical Constraints.