The volume is a tribute to Aza Alibekovna Takho-Godi by the former students, colleagues, and friends to commemorate her 100th birthday. It contains biographical essays on Aza Alibekovna; essays on ancient Greek literature; ancient Greek philosophy; ancient Greek history; Byzantium; the reception of ancient philosophy in the medieval West; ancient motifs in German Romanticism and Russian philosophy and theology; the reception of Classical literature in Russia; postmodern approaches to Classical themes. There are also essays on Alexei Losev; his epistolary exchanges with Western scholars; Neoplatonism in his history of philosophy; the concepts of time and symbol; studies of the Renaissance; and the challenge of translating Losev’s early philosophical works into English.
Oleg Bychkov is professor of Theology and Franciscan Studies at St. Bonaventure University, New York, U.S.A.
Henrieke Stahl is professor for Slavic literatures at the University of Trier.
Elena Takho-Godi is professor for Russian literature at Lomonosov Moscow State University.