This book consists of scientific chapters devoted to innovative approaches to examination of anthropocentrism. It depicts human beings as physical, spiritual, social and cultural creatures perceived through the lingual and literary lens. The publication has an intercultural foundation, as it examines Slovak, Russian, German, English and Romanian languages.
The authors of the book discuss issues which transcend the boundaries of philological research. They apply knowledge from various fields, such as psychology, communication theory, aesthetics, mass media and other social sciences in order to obtain relevant scientific results. The authors present critical analyses and interpretations of contemporary theoretical and practical problems occurring in the selected areas of expertise, and outline the perspective research possibilities.
Mária Matiová studied Teaching of Slovak Language and Psychology and completed internal doctoral studies at the Faculty of Arts at the University of Constantine The Philosopher in Nitra. She works as a professional assistant at her alma mater. In her publications, she focuses on cognitive-linguistic research of conceptual metaphor and linguistic image of the world, as well as Slovak phraseology and mass media communication.
Martin Navrátil graduated from the Slovak Language and Literature and History teaching course at the University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra. Since 2015, he has continued at the University at the Department of Slovak Literature in his PhD degree studies in the program of Literary Theory and the History of Particular National Literatures (Slovak Literature). His academic research concentrates on the Slovak poetry of the 20th century and the question of Slovak textology.