Canadian writer Alice Munro is the 2013 Nobel Laureate in Literature. This collection of essays by authors from Poland, Canada and France presents an intercultural perspective on her work and a new approach to Munro’s art of short story writing. It offers literary interpretation of the genre, critical perspectives on film and stage adaptations of her work, comparative analysis to the writings of Mavis Gallant and Eudora Welty, exclusive reminiscences of encounters with Alice Munro by Canadian writers Tomson Highway and Daphne Marlatt, and a unique African-Canadian perspective on Munro’s work by George Elliott Clarke.
Miros?awa Buchholtz is Professor of English Literature and Head of the English Department at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Poland. Her research interests include American and Canadian literature.
Eugenia Sojka is Head of the Canadian Studies Centre at the University of Silesia, Poland and former Vice-President of the Polish Association for Canadian Studies. Her research interests focus on Canadian diasporic and Indigenous literature and culture.