The topic of this book, central to the endeavours of bilingual dictionary-makers and metalexicographers, is how to transmit meaning across languages within the confines of a lexicographic work of reference. The issues addressed – including, among others, the status and typology of bilingual dictionaries, the different ways of overcoming lack of interlingual equivalence, and the difficulties involved in providing adequate examples of usage – are set against the background of recent theoretical perspectives on meaning and illustrated with problem cases taken from the author’s own lexicographic practice.
The Author: Arleta Adamska-Sa?aciak is head of the Department of Lexicology and Lexicography at the School of English, Adam Mickiewicz University in Pozna?. She has co-authored five English-Polish, Polish-English dictionaries and published a number of papers on metalexicography. Her other main area of research is the history and philosophy of linguistics, especially issues connected with the explanation of language change, a topic she has addressed in numerous publications.
: Bilingual lexicography – Equivalence – Meaning – Dictionary microstructure – Dictionary examples.