The «Developing Country Prize» and the prize «Law and Development» of the Justus-Liebig-University, Gießen, provoke academic contributions to the improvement of the living conditions in developing countries. This book is written to document the results of the interdisciplinary symposium «Women in the context of international development and co-operation – review and perspectives». Its content is based on the awarded research projects on this topic and synthesizes the broad knowledge and experience of German political foundations, and also national institutions of Development Co-operation in the field focusing on the role of women as key actors of development and co-operation in poor countries. The intention of this book is to present the state of the art and to have the challenge for all relevant institutions and organisations to provide more gender-balanced policy, technical advice to address sustainable and development needs for men and women.
The Editor: Ingrid-Ute Leonhäuser, born 1948, has studied home economics and nutritional sciences at Justus-Liebig-University Gießen. From 1974-1979 scientific assistant in home economics and consumer research. Head of branch for consumer education and rural extension service, Hessisches Landesamt für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Landentwicklung (1981-1990). Ph.D. 1986. Since September 1990 professor for nutrition education and consumer behaviour at the university of Gießen. Since 1999 member of the university – center for international development and environmental research – section 2: food security. Research objectives: empirical analysis of nutritional and consumer behaviour of household and families; nutritional behaviour, health status and poverty; evaluation of nutrition education programs and health promotion.