Algorithmic Regulation and Personalized Law
A Handbook
De Franceschi, Alberto / Auer et al, Marietta
Erschienen am
01.12.2020, Auflage: 1. Auflage
The book This Handbook explores the ways in which the use of big data analytics and artificial intelligence could recalibrate the relationship between law and individuality and change the foundational structures of our legal systems. In this perspective, the volume contributes to the emerging literature on "granular law" or "personalized law". Bringing together contributions by eminent scholars from both sides of the Atlantic, it aims to serve both as a gateway to this emerging and promising field and as a catalyst for new scholarly research. In particular, this Handbook explores the concept of personalized law, its implementation in contract, consumer and tort law, as well as the related implications for behavioral sciences, smart contracts, nondiscrimination and enforcement. The advantages at a glance - Book authored by leading scholars from Canada, Germany, Italy, Israel and the United States. Innovative approach and comparative perspective. The editors Prof. Dr. Christoph Busch, Maître en Droit is Professor of Law at the University of Osnabrück (Germany) and Visiting Fellow at the Yale Law School Information Society Project. He is cochairman of the European Law Institutes Digital Law Group, co-editor of the Journal of European Consumer and Market Law (EuCML) and a member of the European Commissions Expert Group to the Observatory on the Online Platform Economy. His research focuses on digital platforms and algorithmic regulation. Prof. Dr. Alberto De Franceschi is associate professor of Private Law and Intellectual Property Rights at the University of Ferrara (Italy). He is co-chairman of the European Law Institutes Digital Law Group, co-editor of the Journal of European Consumer and Market Law (EuCML) and of The Italian Law Journal. His research focuses on issues related to the supply of digital content and digital services, privacy regulation, online platforms and the draft of a European Business Code. He has been acting as a consultant to the Italian Ministry of Justice in the framework of the European Digital Single Market Strategy. The target group For Scholars, Practitioners and Policy-Makers.