Advances in High Field Laser Physics

Advances in Optical Physics 1

Erscheint am 01.11.2050
CHF 168,00
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783110304268
Sprache: Englisch
Auflage: 1. Auflage
Einband: Gebunden


High field laser physics emerged with the advent of ultrashort intense lasers about 25 years ago. It has developed into a frontier of cross-disciplinary studies, covering attosecond X-ray physics, particle accelerator physics, and physics of inertial confined fusion, etc., with prospects of wide applications. Because this is a new and rapidly developing field, so far there are only 2-3 related books available. There are a few review articles in some journals, which are limited to specific topics in high field physics. There are quite a few conference proceedings in this field, which are the collections of papers presented at conferences. In this book, a few leading experts working on different subjects in this field are invited to introduce the key topics in high field laser physics, which cover the involved fundamental physics, the recent advances, as well as the prospects of future applications. It shall be very useful to graduate students, young researchers, and people who want to have an overview of this field.


Z.Sheng, SJTU; L.Chen, Y.Li, X.Lu, IoP, CAS Beijing; W.Lu, Tsinghua U.; R.Li, B.Shen, SIOM, CAS Shanghai.

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