The notion of ‘genre’ has established itself as a key concept in many disciplines and fields as a means of describing social action and/or recurring patterns of form. Recent social and technological changes are driving the emergence of new genres, the evolution of traditional ones as well as variation within them. In this volume a range of approaches addressing the evolution of genre are presented. Many draw on corpus analysis of the lexicogrammatical features employed in the communicative artefacts addressed; several extend traditional corpus analysis to include non-linguistic or extra-linguistic features involved in multimodal communication. Connections with social theories are discussed, as is the notion of families or groups of genres co-existing within broader constellations. Genres are examined in detail for their linguistic and non-linguistic realisations and forms of expression across related genres and within the ‘same’ genre when subjected to differing social or medial constraints or possibilities. In all cases, we see how genre continues to function as an effective tool for following communication as it, its contexts of use, and its social functions evolve.
Paola Evangelisti Allori is Senior Professor of English at the University of Rome4 ‘Foro Italico’. Her research interests include the language/culture interaction in academic and professional discourses as well as comparative analyses of domain specific-discourses and genres in various disciplinary areas and fields of action, both cross-linguistically and cross-disciplinarily.
John Bateman is Professor of Applied Linguistics in the English and Linguistics Departments of the University of Bremen, Germany. His research spans functional linguistic approaches to multilingual and multimodal document design, the semiotics of film, discourse structure, genre, and the relation between language and other semiotic systems.
Vijay K. Bhatia retired as Professor of English from the City University of Hong Kong. He is the CEO and Director of ESP Communication Services and also the President of the Asia-Pacific Association of LSP and Professional Communication. His research spans genre analysis of academic and professional discourses, ESP and Professional Communication.