The DVD to the book DONKEYS AND HUMANS shows 50 tasks for natural communication between humans and donkeys and provides numerous possibilities of including donkeys in leisure activities, education and therapy. The 17 level-1-tasks show all basic exercises of Natural Horsemanship, adapted to donkeys, which demands respectful and harmonious communication with the sensitive and intelligent donkeys. The 21 level-2-tasks demand an extension and refinement of these basics. The 12 extra challenges lead the donkey-human-team to the limit and deeply test their trustful relationship to each other. The 50 single films and impressions are designed clearly and understandably. They are supposed to make the manifold exercises of the book more understandable and visible. The DVD is aimed at donkey handlers, donkey friends, horse handlers (because Pat Parelli, one of the world's best Horsemanship experts, says 'you should treat a horse like you HAVE TO treat a donkey'), entrepreneurs interested in animal assisted leisure activities, teachers, psychologists and specialised therapists. Target groups for animal assisted therapy include children and young people attending kindergartens, elementary schools, regular schools or schools for special needs, i.e. those for multiply disabled, learning disabled or young people in difficult phases. Innumerable possibilities for clients with psychosomatic or psychological disorders are also mentioned. Another important target group is the growing number of elderly people who often suffer from dementia or other disorders associated with older age. A further chapter discusses involving donkeys successfully in personality training programmes.