Visual Grammar
Ab 2. Lernjahr, CEFR A1-B1
Über eine Fülle von Cartoons werden die wichtigsten Grammatikstrukturen auf sehr unterhaltsame Weise vermittelt. Zu den Cartoons werden unterschiedliche Übungen, wie Lücken ergänzen, Zuordnen, Dialoge
vervollständigen u.a, angeboten.
Die Übungen können sowohl in der Klasse wie fürs Selbststudium verwendet werden.
Die Lösungen sind enthalten.
This book provides a comprehensive collection of the main grammar points covered at elementary, pre-intermediate and intermediate levels, practised through a series of fun and lively picture prompts.
Ideal as consolidation and to provide further practice of recently acquired structures, either in class or as self-study at home. Activity types include gap fill and matching exercises, dialogue completion, and question and negative formation.
Language points covered range from elementary structures such as present continuous and ‘going to’ to high intermediate tenses such as passives and future perfect.