InhaltsangabeIntroduction Preliminaries The Structure of SL2 ( q ) and its Modules Elementary Properties of Symplectic Amalgams The Structure of Qa The LbChief Factors in Vb Reduced Symplectic Amalgams The Largest Normal p'-Subgroup of Lb/Qb The Components of Lb/Qb The Reduction to Quasisimple when CUa (Ua / Za) * Qb A First Look at the Amalgams with ö Vb / Z (Vb) ö =3D q4 The Story so Far Groups of Lie-Type Modules for Groups of Lie Type Sporadic Simple Groups and their Modules Alternating Groups and their Modules Rank One Groups LieType Groups in Characteristic p and Rank * 2 LieType Groups and Natural Modules Lie Type Groups in Characteristic not p Alternating Groups Sporadic Simple Groups The Proof of the Main Theorems A Brief Survey of Amalgam Results References Index