Sista Talk: The Personal and the Pedagogical is an inquiry into the questions of how Black women define their existence in a society which devalues, dehumanizes, and silences their beliefs. Placing herself inside of the research, Rochelle Brock invites the reader on a journey of self-exploration, as she and seven of her Black female students investigate their collective journey toward self-awareness in the attempt to liberate their minds and souls from ideological domination. Throughout, Sista Talk attempts to understand the ways in which this self-exploration informs her pedagogy. Combining Black feminist and Afrocentric Theory with critical pedagogy, this book frames the parameters for an Afrowomanist pedagogy of wholeness for teaching Black students.
The Author: Rochelle Brock is Assistant Professor of Education in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at Purdue University in Indiana. Her current theoretical interests include Afrowomanist pedagogy, race and gender studies, and Black women’s spirituality as a vehicle for academic transformation.