Communications and Cryptography
Two Sides of One Tapestry, The Springer International Series in Engineering and
J Costello Jr, Daniel / Maurer et al, Ueli
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01.04.2007, Auflage: 1. Auflage
InhaltsangabeBlock Coding. On a Problem of Persi Diaconis; E. Berlekamp. A Finite Fourier Transform for Vectors of Arbitrary Length; C.G. Günther. Massey's Theorem and the Golay Codes; R.E. Blahut. Spherical Codes from the Hexagonal Lattice; T. Ericson, V. Zinoviev. On Group Codes generated by Finite Reflection Groups; T. Mittelholzer. Using Redundancy to speed up Disk Arrays; D.L. Cohn, R.L. Stevenson. A Comparison of Error Patterns corrected by Block Codes and Convolutional Codes; J. Justesen. Coded MPSK Modulation for the AWGN and Rayleigh Fading Channels; S. Lin, S, Rajpal, D.J. Rhee. On the Basic Averaging Arguments for Linear Codes; H.A. Loeliger. Coding and Multiplexing; H.J. Matt. Convolutional Coding. Duality of Linear Input-Output Maps; S.K. Mitter. Inverses of Linear Sequential Circuits: On Beyond Poles and Zeros; M.K. Sain. Trellises Old and New; G.D. Forney, Jr. On Canonical Encoding Matrices and the Generalized Constraint Lengths of Convolutional Codes; R. Johannesson, Z. Wan. On Code Linearity and Rotational Invariance for a Class of Trellis Codes for M-PSK; L.H. Zetterberg. Progress towards Achieving Channel Capacity; D.J. Costello, L. Perez. Soft is better than Hard; J. Hagenauer. Charge Constrained Convolutional Codes; M.A. Herro, R.H. Deng, Y.X. Li. Five Views of Differential MSK: a Unified Approach; B. Rimoldi. Binary Convolutional Codes Revisited; G. Ungerboeck. Cryptography. Development of Fast Multiplier Structures with Cryptographic Applications; G. Agnew. On Repeated-Single-Root Constacyclic Codes; V.C. da Rocha, Jr. Delay Estimation for Truly Random Binary Sequences or How to Measure the Length of Rip van Winkle's Sleep; I. Ingemarsson. Low Weight Parity Checks for Linear Recurring Sequences; G. Kuehn. Higher Order Derivatives and Differential Cryptanalysis; X. Lai. The Strong Secret Key Rate of Discrete Random Triples; U.M. Maurer. International Commercial Standards in Cryptography; J. Omura. The Self-Shrinking Generator; W. Meier, O. Staffelbach. Models for Adder Channels; I. Bar-David. Coding for Adder Channels; I.F. Blake. Information Theory. Orthogonal Checksets in the Plane and Enumerations of the Rationals modp; P. Elias. An Inequality on the Capacity Region of Multiaccess Multipath Channels; R.G. Gallager. On the Performance of Aperiodic Inverse Filter; J. Ruprecht. Capacity of a Simple Stable Protocol for Short Message Service over a CDMA Network; A.J. Viterbi. Random Time and Frequency Hopping for Infinite User Population; S. Csibi. Multiple Access Collision Channel without Feedback and ∞ User Population; L. Györfi. Messy Broadcasting in Networks; R. Ahlswede, H.S. Haroutunian, L.H. Khachatrian. Stochastic Events; H. Ohnsorge. Leaf-Average Node-Sum Interchanges in Rooted Trees with Applications; R.A. Rueppel, J.L. Massey. Some Reflections on the Interference Channel; E.C. van der Meulen. The Sliding-Window Lempel-Ziv Algorithm is Asymptotically Optimal; A.D. Wyner, J. Ziv.