To learn more about designing analog integrated circuits (ICs) at microwave frequencies using GaAs materials, turn to this text and reference. It addresses GaAs MESFET-based IC processing. Describes the newfound ability to apply silicon analog design techniques to reliable GaAs materials and devices which, until now, was only available through technical papers scattered throughout hundred of articles in dozens of professional journals.
About the editor RAVENDER GOYAL is Product Manager in the PCB Division of Mentor Graphics Corporation, Wilsonville, Oregon. He is responsible for high speed digital and RF/ Telecom system design strategy. Previously, he was director of foundry services and design automation at Anadigics, Inc., developing GaAs-based analog, digital, and RF circuits. He received a master of technology degree from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, in 1979, and an MS in electrical engineering from the University of Minnesota in 1981. Mr. Goyal, a senior member of IEEE, has authored more than 45 technical journal, conference, and invited papers and is the coauthor of the book Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits: Technology and Design. He is a member of the Editorial Board and the Technical Program Committee of IEEE/MTTs.