Power Generation - Cover

Power Generation

CO2 Capture and Storage

Erscheint am 01.12.2030
CHF 116,00
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9780470770719
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 416
Auflage: 1. Auflage
Einband: Gebunden


This book presents a comprehensive examination of the capture and storage of CO2 in power generation. It is a clear reference, which starts by explaining the properties and use of CO2, how it affects the climate, the rationale behind the use of CCS and the public perception of the technology. It moves on considering the options for long-term storage and the relative merits of underground storage and ocean storage. It includes a full description of the fuels and power generation processes that generate CO2 and the gas separation theory necessary for capturing the resultant CO2. Finally the book focuses on the end of the power plant process and the necessary compression, and conditioning, of the CO2 before transportation and storage. * A multidisciplinary approach to an important subject bridging the gap between power generation engineers and process plant engineers. * Presents a comprehensive examination of power generation as the biggest contributor to anthropogenic CO2 emissions * Analyses the technical challenges involved in clean power generation, highlighting the significant changes in attitude towards power generation in recent years. * Provides in-depth coverage on the design of future clean power plants with integration of the separate disciplines mechanical and chemical engineering. * Sets out the necessary theory to draw together the various power engineering technologies.

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